====== Gather & convert Dante Controller logs ====== Here is the code used in the utility: (* Gather Dante Controller logs into a file on the Desktop and convert timstamps to a readable form www.allthatyouhear.com | Please attribute this work if you share it, and please report any bugs or issues you encounter v1.0: 15/07/19 Rich Walsh v1.0.1: 15/07/19 Removed unneeded option to remove first line in awk – tail is doing that Corrected awk to use tab-delimited rather than comma-delimited, not that it actually mattered <<< Last tested with Dante Controller 4.1.0, MacOS 10.14.5 >>> *) -- Declarations property dialogTitle : "Gather & convert Dante Controller logs" property theExplanation : "This no-frills utility will gather Dante Controller logs from ~/Library/Logs/Audinate/ into a single file on the Desktop, " & ¬ "convert the timestamps into a more readable form and open the file. You can also choose to process files from a different folder, but the results may be unexpected if the folder doesn't contain raw log files from Dante Controller." -- Choose the folder activate set theChoice to button returned of (display dialog theExplanation with title dialogTitle with icon 1 ¬ buttons {"Cancel", "Choose folder…", "OK"} default button "OK" cancel button "Cancel") if the theChoice is "OK" then set sourceFolder to "~/Library/Logs/Audinate/" else set sourceFolder to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Choose folder of Dante Controller log files to process:" default location path to desktop) end if try -- Merge the files and convert the timstamps do shell script "tail -n +2 -q " & sourceFolder & "DanteController-[0-9]*.log | awk 'BEGIN { FS = \"\\t\" ; OFS = \"\\t\" } { cmd = (\"date -r \"substr($1,1,10)\" '\\''+%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'\\''\") ; cmd | getline timestamp; close(cmd); $1=substr($1,11); print timestamp \".\" $0 }' > ~/Desktop/Dante_Controller_logs.log" -- Open the file do shell script "open ~/Desktop/Dante_Controller_logs.log" on error theError number errorNumber if errorNumber = -128 then return display alert dialogTitle & ": Unexpected Error" message "Error number " & errorNumber & ": " & theError as critical buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" end try